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"Game On" results in our hands!

With the official end of the project around the corner, over the last weeks we have immersed ourselves into yet another odyssey: printing our four educational board games and designing customized boxes for them!

From the beginning of the project we set the benchmark of printing a limited number of physical copies of each one of our games, that will be kept as precious treasures in our organizations and will be given to the associated partners that supported our organizations in the development of certain stages of the project.

It has been a looong way of categorizing files, choosing paper types and box dimensions and materials, but with the orders already placed, we are getting more and more excited about having the physical outcomes of our project in our hands and share them with our members and lcoal partners!

Besides, we have decided to also print our educational board game development manual, and we must say that in paper format it looks even better than in PDF! As you might remember, “Game On: The Manual” is one of the main intellectual outputs developed during the long-term project as a resource with theoretical and practical information for educators, youth workers, youth organizations and other stakeholders of the education and youth work fields who would like to develop educational board games in their work. You can download it for free in the section "Intellectual Outputs".

Offline events

On the side of offline dissemination activities, we are still quite limited when implementing face-to-face events with young people due to the different restrictions and preventive measures, as well as for a lower interest of young people during summer time. However, small activities have been taking place in our countries and our games have been played and enjoyed, with all partners continuing to plan activities until the very end of the project in the end of July.

Left: Gaming session at Kesklinna Noortekeskus (Estonia); Right: Playing during the Entrepreneurship Weekend organizaed by Awesome People (Sweden).

The Game On international team will be meeting in less than two weeks for the online final transnational project meeting in order to close and evaluate the project, and we will bring you more updates with the final results of the board game production.

“Game On: Developing Educational Board Games for Young Entrepreneurs” is a long-term KA2 project funded by the Erasmus + Program through the Spanish National Agency INJUVE and implemented by Shokkin Group International (EE), Ticket2Europe (ES), Awesome People (SE) and Solidarity Mission (GR).

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