"European Activist Factory" is a one-year long project implemented by the Shokkin Group International network and supported by the European Youth Foundation and the Council of Europe.
The main aim of the project is to raise the level of active citizenship among young people by training them in social activism, campaigning and providing space for creating Europe-wide social campaigns. The project will take place throughout the whole 2019 and includes three main stages:
We Plan to Act
We Plan to Act
We Plan to Act!
Vihi (Estonia)
International training of trainers involving 21 participants from 7 countries on the topic of youth activism and campaigning.
You Act!
Partner countries
A series of national training events and blended campaigns that are held in each partner country.
Evaluate Now!
Poznan (Poland)
A final meeting to evaluate the work done, measure the success of the campaigns, assess results and develop reporting and dissemination materials.
In February 2018, member organizations of the Shokkin Group International network identified several common needs, such as difficulty to engage youngsters at a local level, keep them committed in the organization, as well as to create sustainable projects that run for longer periods of time.
European Activist Factory is born to connect youngsters, youth leaders and organizations around the topic of campaigning and social activism, increasing the visibility of the network and member organizations and enhancing the ‘international feeling’ of belonging to the #ShokkinFamily.
"European Activist Factory: The Manual" is a tangible resource produced as a result of the one-year long work plan with the same name implemented by the Shokkin Group International network in 2019.
Produced mainly by participants of the project and enriched with tools from the training team and participants own experiences, the manual is a practical resource to get to know the background information, get inspired and use the given tools for drafting your own campaign with and for young people.