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  • AIM

Stress among young people

17th November - 1st December

To encourage young people to talk about stress and related mental issues, as well as starting a dialogue on how to prevent and deal with stress.


Stress is a condition that hits 4 out of 10 young people aged 16 to 24 in Denmark. Stress and related mental issues often comes with a feeling of isolation, of being the only one who does not have a perfect, happy life. With this campaign, we would like to break this isolation and get young people to talk about 1) what causes them to feel pressured and 2) how to deal with it. It is often much easier to deal with outside pressures, if you know you are not the only one experiencing them.  


During the national training weekend, participants have come up with a 12-step "survival kit" of little hacks, that they have experienced help them to relieve pressure and deal with stress. The idea with the campaign is twofold: First, to share these hacks, so other young people can test them in their busy everyday lives and hopefully get a little break. Second, to encourage conversation among young people about the causes of the pressure and stress they feel, and how to deal with it.


The campaign takes place online, where the 12 hacks will be shared via social media, and also offline, as participants of the national training will hang posters with the 12 hacks on their schools, thereby spreading the message on several platforms.  


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