After nine exciting months working on our social blended campaigns, the #ActivistFactory family comes together again, this time to carry out the final evaluation of the programme and to close it officially! From yesterday and until Tuesday, 17th of December, a group of 12 people consisting of one youth leader from "We plan to act!" and one of the young creators of the campaign from each country, are meeting in Poznan (Poland) to reflect on the campaign impact and development process, to assess the learning results and exchange the experience from these months!
This morning started with a brief catch up, remembering the old faces and discovering the new ones. Then, using the metaphor of a road, each participant drew their journey in the campaign design and implementation, what brought them here since the training course in Estonia. What is remarkable? What is interesting? What is unique?
Afterwards, it was time to re-build the group with a fun, daring challenge around the city. The group was split into teams and received a series of tasks to fulfill with the people from Poznan, such as finding local youth and introducing them to one of our campaigns; introducing 3 people to what European Activist Factory is or finding an elder person and singing them a Christmas song.
After the lunch break, it was time to rewind back to March and to present the timeline of events: a total of 7 national training activities and 8 local campaigns implemented throughtout 2019. We also reviewed together the objectives of both the workplan and the evaluation meeting, and participants were asked to identify the connection between each objective and the sessions of our schedule.
In general, it was a day dedicated to catching up with the programme and with the people involved in it, as well as to prepare the ground for the reflection and assessment that will be happening during the next three days and which will help us to identify the strong and weak points of our campaigns and withdraw learning outcomes for the future.