From 17th to 19th of May, Activist Factory Poland implemented their national training in Poznan. During training, the local team introduced the fundamentals of campaign-making, key values of EYF and CoE, tools and techniques that should be used during the planning phase of campaigns.
Moreover, the local did practical teamwork activities on improving tools and visualizations
for the campaign. At last, the brainstorming session gave birth to the campaign named "Dinner4Foreigner", which will take place from April until June and which will consist on organized dinners between Polish families and foreigners living in Poland to share delicious dishes from their countries and discover each other's peculiarities and similarities.
The goal of the campaign is to raise awareness and curiosity among Polish society towards other cultures which would, in return, help to provide integration of foreigners, to avoid misunderstandings or fear based on stereotypes and to increase general level of multicultural knowledge.
We will keep you informed!